Astroparticles, solid-state detectors
The main idea behind the creation of the group is to use materials which solid-state properties are studied in the lab, in order to create innovative detectors for experiments on neutrino physics and on dark matter search, that require ultimate performances. The group is involved from the conception of these experiments to their operation and the corresponding data analysis.

This is why the group’s activity revolves around four main components:
- The search for double beta decay via the CUPID and CROSS experiments, based on innovative bolometers which can discriminate sources from the radioactive background;
- The search for dark matter via the EDELWEISS experiment, using hybrid germaniium bolometers, with a simultaneous detection of charge and phonons;
- The development of very low threshold bolometers for the detection of neutrino coherent diffusion on nuclei, close to a nuclear reactor, via the RICOCHET experiment;
- Fundamental solid state research, especially on low dimensional disordered systems.
These four components are based on the use of common equipments, such as dilution refrigerators and thin films deposition chambers.